Electric vs Hybrid Cars – What’s the difference

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With climate change activism on an all-time high and governments endorsing eco-friendly fuel alternatives, electric vehicles have gained immense traction in the automotive industry. However, electric cars are not the only alternative to petrol, since hybrid vehicles are also quite common in the market.

Despite having several differences, many people confuse electric and hybrid vehicles with each other. In this article, Turborevs features a complete analysis of the difference between electric and hybrid vehicles.

What are Hybrid Vehicles?

Photo of hybrid cars

Hybrid vehicles, as the name suggests, run on a combination of both electricity and fuel. However, there’s more to the internal workings of these vehicles. Hybrid cars are run by a combustion engine that is combined with an electric motor. These electric motors have electricity stored within them, and they can shift between these two power sources.

Moreover, the electric systems allow the vehicle to automatically power off when the car stops, such as at traffic signals. This further improves the car’s fuel economy, reducing dependency on fuel.

What are Electric Vehicles?

Photo of an electric car charging

Electric cars are fully dependent on electricity as the only source of power. Commonly known as EVs, electric vehicles are completely independent of petrol, meaning these vehicles have no gas emissions or any sort of harmful waste. Moreover, electric vehicles have a much smoother and quieter drive due to being solely charged by electricity. 

These vehicles are set to be the future of the automotive industry, with several governments planning to phase out fossil fuel-based cars within the next few decades.

Differences between Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

With both vehicles being explained, the difference is quite obvious – fully electric vs interdependency. Electric cars have no engine, as they solely run on battery-powered electricity. They have no dependency on fossil fuels since every single function of EVs runs on electricity.

Hybrids on the other hand still have to rely on fossil fuels for functioning. However, these vehicles are still eco-friendly, owing to their fuel-saving technology and regenerative braking systems. Moreover, plug-in hybrid models can also work on electricity with a reserved electric battery. This convertible option makes these vehicles more popular compared to their fully electric counterparts.


With electric vehicles being considered the future of the automotive market, it is essential to understand the current two electric vehicle models – hybrid and fully electric. With governments planning to mandate electric vehicles, knowing the differences between these two models can give you a head-start.

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